Simple JavaScript Internationalization

in I18n , JavaScript

I found myself in need of a really simple implementation of I18n in JavaScript, but without a ton of overhead because the use case was pretty straightforward. I really just want to be able to do this in my form handlers:

1return i18n.forms.numberPatternMismatch;

So, I decided to extract the language from the HTML element (since I set it appropriately in the backend using I18n) and set up localization files in JavaScript that I could then reference.

 1//= require locales/en.js
 2//= require locales/es.js
 4 * Set a global variable `i18n` that contains the current localization strings.
 5 *   Locale files create simple objects, we just map it in based on the 'lang' attribute
 6 *   of the HTML node.
 7 */
 8(function(window, undefined) {
 9  var currentLocale  = window.document.documentElement.lang,
10      generalLocale  = currentLocale.split('-')[0],
11      fallbackLocale = 'en';
13  window.i18n = (function(locales) {
14    if (generalLocale in locales) {
15      return locales[generalLocale];
16    } else {
17      return locales[fallbackLocale];
18    }
19  })(window.locales);

And my “locale” file for English:

 2 * English language translations for use in JavaScript.
 3 */
 4(function(window, undefined) {
 5  if (window.locales === undefined) {
 6    window.locales = {};
 7  }
 9  window.locales.en = {
10    forms: {
11      /* Form validation messages. */
12      checkboxValueMissing: "Please check the required box.",
13      emailFormat: "Please enter a valid email address.",
14      numberPatternMismatch: "Please only enter numbers.",
15      patternMismatch: "Please only enter numbers.",
16      phone: "Please enter a valid phone number.",
17      selectValueMissing: "Please select an option from the list.",
18      valueMissing: "Please fill out this field.",
19      amountRangeOutOfBounds: function(min, max) {
20        return "Please input a load amount between $" + min + " and $" + max + ".";
21      },
23      /* Form submission messages. */
24      cancelText: "Nevermind",
25      confirmText: "I'm Sure",
26      workingValue: "Working…",
27    }
28  };

Simple enough, right?!